6 Oliver Grove

London SE25 6EJ


07578781570 (w soboty 09:30 - 13:00)

Before I start.
I wrote the following proposal “as HIM”, but I am writing to both women and men. I work with both genders equally well and effectively… maybe with ladies even a bit better :). I wrote the text to you, a Woman Entrepreneur and Man Entrepreneur.

Since you are reading this text, you are interested in sponsoring our school.

To thank you for your support, I would like to offer help in promoting and developing your business.

I don’t want it to sound lofty, but I know what I’m doing. Our school is the best example:

Słowo kluczowe: polska szkoła sobotnia
Słowo kluczowe: polish saturday school
Słowo kluczowe: polska szkoła
Słowo kluczowe: polish school

Below you will find three packages that will help you get new customers or sell more products.

Package 1: A school subsidy of £ 200 or more. Number of available packages: 3

  • Semi-annual (6 months) advertisement on the school’s home page;
  • At least one advertisement in each news article for six months;
  • Small format advertising in the lower part of school posters and announcements for six months.

Package 2: A school grant of £ 500 or more. Number of available packages: 0

  • Annual (12 months) advertising on the school’s home page;
  • At least one advertisement in each news article for twelve months (12 months);
  • Small format advertising in the lower part of school posters and announcements for twelve months (12 months);
  • One of the following options to choose from:
    1) Setting up a new or optimization of the current Google Business profile. This will allow you to raise your rankings on Google maps, thanks to which new customers will find you.*
    2) Optimizing your website so that Google has no choice but to show your goods/services to more customers.*

Package 3: School Contribution of £ 1,000 or more. Number of available packages: 0

  • Annual (12 months) advertising on the school’s home page.
  • At least one advertisement in each news article for twelve months (12 months);
  • Small format advertising on the lower part of school posters and announcements for twelve months (12 months);
  • Setting up a new or optimization of the current Google Business profile. This will allow you to raise your rankings on Google maps, thanks to which new customers will find you. *
  • One of the following options to choose from:
    1) Optimizing your website so that Google has no choice but to show your goods/services to more customers.*
    2) Designing a new, optimized website from scratch.**

* The package does not include content for your website. The process takes from 3 to 6 months
** The website will consist four subpages, plus “Legal pages”: home page, services, about me, and contact me. The package does not include content for your website. The package does not include hosting and a domain. Delivery time from two to six weeks.


I am not a magician, but a marketer :). To be successful, I will need your full cooperation.

Therefore, before you decide on one of the above packages, please book an appointment for a 15-minute conversation with me:

Ideally, this conversation should be through Zoom. Of course, you will also have the option of selecting a phone call option.

During this conversation, I will ask you several questions based on which we will decide whether we can work together.

MOST IMPORTANT: The above endeavour is to help the school spread its wings.

Therefore, if you would like to support the school without my complimentary help, feel free to do so:)

Contact the school office directly: kontakt@szkola-croydon.co.uk.

On behalf of myself and the school management, thank you for your help.

Łukasz Pacholec
AdFox Digital

Ruszyły zapisy na rok 2024/25:

12.03.2024 – obecni uczniowie naszej szkoły i ich rodzeństwo rozpoczynające naukę w nasze szkole.
01.04.2024 – dzieci do tej pory nieuczące się w naszej placówce.

Zmianie uległa kwota opłaty za czesne. Kwotę czesnego, jak i kryteria przyjmowania uczniów, znajdą Państwo w zakładce: Procedury Zapisów i Opłaty.